12 Awesome Cybersecurity Quotes To Help You (And Your Business) Stay Safer

Cybersecurity continues to be an increasingly hot topic – and it’s no surprise why. We are all more connected than ever before, and although that is a great thing, it is not without risks. Information leaks, security breaches, hacks, data theft and other cyber attacks are becoming more common. Check out these great, Tweetable cybersecurity quotes listed below to help you (and your business) stay safer in this ever-changing world of information security.

8 Awesome Cybersecurity Quotes To Help You (And Your Business) Stay Safer

Need some inspiration for your own cybersecurity journey? Whether you’re implementing new rules in the office for greater workplace safety, or you’re looking for ways to keep your personal data safe, these great quotes are sure to make you think about cybersecurity in new ways.

“Cyber-Security is much more than a matter of IT.” ― Stephane Nappo


“Passwords are like underwear: don’t let people see it, change it very often, and you shouldn’t share it with strangers.”Chris Pirillo


“I really think that if we change our own approach and thinking about what we have available to us, that is what will unlock our ability to truly excel in security. It’s a perspectives exercise. What would it look like if abundance were the reality and not resource constraint?”  — Greg York


“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and few minutes of cyber-incident to ruin it.” Stephane Nappo


As we’ve come to realize, the idea that security starts and ends with the purchase of a prepackaged firewall is simply misguided.” – Art Wittmann


“As cybersecurity leaders, we have to create our message of influence because security is a culture and you need the business to take place and be part of that security culture.” Britney Hommertzheim



“We discovered in our research that insider threats are not viewed as seriously as external threats, like a cyberattack. But when companies had an insider threat, in general, they were much more costly than external incidents. This was largely because the insider that is smart has the skills to hide the crime, for months, for years, sometimes forever.”  — Dr. Larry Ponemon


“The knock-on effect of a data breach can be devastating for a company. When customers start taking their business—and their money—elsewhere, that can be a real body blow.”Christopher Graham


Keep Your Information Safer With Blue-Pencil!

With Blue-Pencil, we can help your business in its cybersecurity journey but helping you safely shred your documents, securely store your files and records, and more!

Blue-Pencil helps empower Canadian organizations to reach new heights with friendly and efficient document management services. Customer service is not only a slogan but something we practice by investing in our strategic partners.

Located in Oakville, Ontario we have grown our document security business over the past 15 years, serving more than 15,000 organizations including small and medium-sized companies as well as Fortune 500 businesses.


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